The world in the palm of your hand
Have you noticed?
In today’s world we are more connected than ever before. Borders, cultural differences and language barriers belong to the past. The possibilities deriving from this are endless.
Your awareness of the importance of effective communication that knows no borders is probably the reason you are here.
Choose a reliable partner
Amidas was created as an answer to the needs of businesses at a time when Slovenia was in the process of becoming independent and opening itself both economically and culturally to the world. All of a sudden borders were disappearing and there was a growing need to operate successfully in an international context.
Our mission is to support your business with our and services and for your business.
And so it began… Three musketeers take the only logical step
In the early 1990s, three friends – Martin, Iztok and Dejan (aMIDas) – took the only logical step: pooling the skillsof international friends living in Slovenia and Slovene fellow-translators, they put together an effective, talented and high-quality team of translators capable of offering the right solution( top-quality translations) at the right time to businesses in Slovenia and abroad, and also to the government and institutions, all under the aegis of their newly formed company Amidas.
Uncompromising quality
In the early days, Amidas’s team of native English speakers – Roger, Dan, Peter and others – produced key translations for the new state. Some of them even collaborated on the official translation of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia.
The key to success from the very beginning was – and remains – the fact that Amidas brings together translators who all translate exclusively into their own mother tongue. This is still a significant added value offered by Amidas today.
Cooperation with high-quality international partners is another key to success and one of the reasons why we were among the founders of the European Language Industry Association (ELIA), today a respected international body with a wide membership. We are also founder members of Eulogia, a global alliance of translation companies.
In Slovenia we are members of the Slovenian Association of Translation Companies, whose president is our director Nina Ambrož Šušnik.
New faces, same principles
Amidas has grown over time and its ownership structure has changed. Today Amidas is a family business owned by Dejan Šušnik and his daughter Nina Šušnik. The team has expanded and the tools have changed but our basic commitment remains the same:
we are committed to offering high-quality language solutions to our customers. Because we know that this is of key importance for success in your business!